October 4, 2007

The Coveted Birthday Lunch

So. It's October. Which means that it is totally my birth month. More than money from grandparents, even more than the "suprize" gift my dad got me (which he always hides in the same visible place), I am excited about my birthday lunch at work. Counting me, there are 4 white people that work at my office and all the rest are born and raised Mexicans/El Salvadorians who can cook Rachael Ray out of her own kitchen.
The Birthday lunch is a buffet of whatever the ladies decide to cook and bring. It can range from hot dogs to fajitas or pizza to tamales. It is so good. The hour befor lunch starts, the ladies bring their dishes in from the refridgerators to be heated in the office which creates a most delightful aroma of goodness around my desk, which is situated outside of both breakroom and kitchen.

I am not sure when they will decide to have the October birthday lunch, but that day is what I am waiting for.

And, on a different note, My boss said that I could leave early from work tomorrow...YES!

1 comment:

Amber said...

can you have birthday guest? im just saying.